*μš©ν„°(Where dragons exist), 2024

μš°λ―Όμ•„νŠΈμ„Όν„° μž‘ν’ˆ μ œμž‘ 지원 (Supported from Woomin Art Center)

사진은 κ·Έ 발λͺ… 이래 μ‚¬μ‹€μ΄λ‚˜ 쑴재λ₯Ό 증λͺ…ν•˜λŠ” λ„κ΅¬λ‘œ μ‚¬μš©λ˜μ–΄ μ™”λ‹€. κ·Έλ ‡λ‹€λ©΄, ν˜„μ‹€μ— μ‘΄μž¬ν•˜μ§€ μ•ŠλŠ”, μ‹ ν™” μ†μ˜ λŒ€μƒμ„ μ‚¬μ§„μœΌλ‘œ 기둝할 수 μžˆμ„κΉŒ? 과거의 이야기λ₯Ό ν˜„μ‹€λ‘œ λ‹€μ‹œ λΆˆλŸ¬λ“€μΌ λ•Œ 사진은 μ–΄λ–»κ²Œ λ°œν™”ν•  것인가.

λ‘œμ»¬λ¦¬ν‹°λ₯Ό 연ꡬ할 λ•Œ 지λͺ…은 지역을 μ΄ν•΄ν•˜λŠ” μ£Όμš”ν•œ ν‚€μ›Œλ“œκ°€ λœλ‹€. μš°λ¦¬λ‚˜λΌ 지역 곳곳의 지λͺ…은 μ„€ν™”μ—μ„œ μœ λž˜ν•œ κ²½μš°κ°€ λ§Žλ‹€. μ˜€λž«λ™μ•ˆ μž…μ—μ„œ μž…μœΌλ‘œ 전해진 μ„€ν™”κ°€ μ‚°μ΄λ‚˜ λ•…μ˜ μ§€ν˜•κ³Ό μ—°κ²°λ˜μ–΄ κ·Έ μ§€μ—­μ˜ 지λͺ…이 νƒ„μƒν•˜κΈ°λ„ ν•˜κ³ , μ—¬λŸ¬ 이야기가 λ§μž…ν˜€μ§„λ‹€. 그리고 μ‹œκ°„μ΄ 흐λ₯΄λ©° 그것은 전섀이 되고 μ‹ ν™”κ°€ λœλ‹€.

λ‚΄κ°€ μš©μ— 관심을 가진 건, μ²­μ£Όμ—μ„œ 일 λ…„κ°„ μž‘μ—…μ‹€λ‘œ λ¨Έλ¬Όλ €λ˜ μš©μ•”λ™μ΄λΌλŠ” 지λͺ… λ•Œλ¬Έμ΄μ—ˆλ‹€. 이후 용이 μŠΉμ²œν–ˆλ‹€λŠ” μš©λ°”μœ„ μ „μ„€λ‘œ 인해 이름 뢙여진 이곳 μ£Όλ³€μœΌλ‘œ 용과 κ΄€λ ¨λœ 지λͺ…이 λ§Žμ€ κ±Έ μ•Œκ²Œ λ˜μ—ˆλ‹€. μž‘μ—…μ€ 지λͺ… 사이에 μ–΄λ–€ 관계성과 νŠΉμ§•μ΄ μžˆλŠ”μ§€ λ‹΅μ‚¬ν•˜κ³  μƒμƒν•˜λŠ” κ³Όμ •μœΌλ‘œ μ΄μ–΄μ‘Œλ‹€.

μš©μ€ μ˜ˆλ‘œλΆ€ν„° ν˜Έλ²•κ³Ό ν˜Έκ΅­μ„ μƒμ§•ν–ˆλ‹€. 특히 왕듀은 μžμ‹ μ„ κ°•λ ₯ν•œ 힘의 상징인 용과 λ™μΌμ‹œ ν–ˆκ³ , λΉ„λ₯Ό λ‹€μŠ€λ¦¬λŠ” 용(μš©μ™•)을 μœ„ν•΄ 기우제λ₯Ό 지내기도 ν–ˆλ‹€. 물은 λ†μ—…μ˜ ν† λŒ€μ˜€μœΌλ©°, λŒ€μ§€μ˜ λͺ¨μ‹ μ„ μ–΄λ£¨λ§Œμ§€λŠ” 생λͺ…μ΄μ—ˆλ‹€. λ¬Ό μ£Όλ³€μ—λŠ” 어김없이 용이 λ“±μž₯ν–ˆλ‹€.

λ‚΄κ°€ λ‹΅μ‚¬ν•œ μž₯μ†Œλ“€μ€ 일견 μ–΄λ””μ—λ‚˜ μžˆμ„ λ²•ν•œ ν‰λ²”ν•œ λͺ¨μŠ΅ 같기도 ν–ˆμ§€λ§Œ, 용의 흔적이 남아 μžˆλ‹€λŠ” 상상을 ν•˜λ©° λ‹€μ‹œ ν•œ 번 바라보면 방금 μ „κ³ΌλŠ” λ‹€λ₯Έ 전경이 펼쳐져 λ³΄μ˜€λ‹€. μ£Όλ³€μ˜ μž₯면듀이 μƒˆλ‘­κ²Œ 끼어듀고 이야기가 μƒμ„±λ˜μ—ˆλ‹€.

μ‹ ν™”κ°€ κΉƒλ“  μž₯μ†ŒλŠ” μ˜€λŠ˜λ‚  μ‚¬λžŒλ“€μ—κ²Œ μ–΄λ–€ 영ν–₯을 미칠까. 이 μž‘μ—…μ€ μ‹ ν™”κ°€ μ‚¬λžŒλ“€μ—κ²Œ μ–΄λ–€ λͺ¨μŠ΅μœΌλ‘œ λ‹€κ°€μ˜€λŠ”μ§€, ν˜„μž¬μ˜ 풍경에 μ–΄λ–»κ²Œ μž‘λ™λ˜λŠ”μ§€λ₯Ό νƒκ΅¬ν•˜λŠ” κ³Όμ •μ΄μ—ˆλ‹€. 사싀 우리 삢에 직접적인 영ν–₯을 μΌμœΌν‚€κΈ°μ— ν˜„μ‹€μ μΈ μœ„λ ₯이 μ „ν˜€ 없을지도 λͺ¨λ₯Έλ‹€. ν•˜μ§€λ§Œ 이λ₯Ό μ•Œκ±°λ‚˜ κΆκΈˆν•΄ν•˜λŠ” 것은 ν‰λ²”ν•œ 우리 μ£Όλ³€μ—μ„œ μƒμ„œλ‘œμ›€μ„ λ°œκ²¬ν•˜λŠ” 일과 λ‹€λ₯΄μ§€ μ•Šλ‹€. 그리곀 μ΄λ ‡κ²Œ 믿게 λ˜λŠ” 것이닀.

μš©μ€ κ²°κ΅­ λ§ˆμŒμ— μ‚°λ‹€.

Since its invention, photography has been used as a tool to prove facts or existence. So, is it possible to document a mythical object that does not exist in reality through photography? How will photography ignite when bringing stories from the past back to reality?

When studying locality, place names become key keywords for understanding a region. Place names in various regions of Korea often originate from folk tales. Tales that have been passed down by word of mouth for a long time are connected to the topography of the mountains or land, giving birth to place names for the area, and various stories are added to them. And over time, it becomes a legend and a myth.

I was interested in dragons because of the name Yongam-dong, where I stayed for a year as a studio in Cheongju. Afterward, I realized that there were many dragon-related place names around the area, which was named due to the legend of the dragon rock where the dragon ascended. The work continued with a process of exploring and imagining the relationships and characteristics between place names.

The dragon has symbolized protection of the law and defense of the country since ancient times. In particular, kings identified themselves with the dragon, a symbol of powerful power, and held rain rituals for the dragon (Yongwang) who controlled rain. Water was the foundation of agriculture and the life that caressed the Mother Goddess of Earth. Wherever there was water, there were dragons.

At first glance, the places I explored seemed like ordinary places that could be found anywhere, but when I looked at them again, imagining that there were traces of a dragon left behind, a different panorama from before unfolded. The scenes around me were rearranged and stories were created.

How do mythical places affect people today? This work was a process of exploring how myths come to people and how they operate in the current landscape. In fact, it may not have any realistic power to directly affect our lives. However, knowing or wondering about this is no different from discovering auspiciousness in the ordinary things around us. And we come to believe this.

The dragons live in the heart, after all.